
Stimmen in der Stadt

A project of

A non for profit organization dedicated to facilitating and developing medical, research, and social projects in Germany and abroad.

In collaboration with

With its 200 employees and volunteers, this Berlin society has been offering support to HIV-positive and AIDS patients since 1985.

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Each year, the foundation provides funding for a variety of social projects benefiting of the city of Berlin, its citizens and visitors.

The German AIDS Foundation has been helping HIV-positive and AIDS patients is financial need since 1987.

Bringing gay, lesbian and transgender lives to the foreground under the motto „Live pluralism – fight discrimination.“

Works in the field of AIDS prevention and education Germany-wide since 1983.

Media partner

With the support of

Orden der Schwestern der Perpetuellen Indulgenz

Apotheke am Nollendorfplatz, Berlin; Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Keikawus Arastéh, Direktor der Klinik für Innere Medizin im Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum Berlin; Arena Berlin; AUDIUM / Visonik, Berlin; Axel Hotel Berlin; BerlinApotheke, Berlin; Berliner Fenster GmbH, Berlin; Blum, Heinrichs und Partner, Rechtsanwälte, Berlin/Braunschweig; Prof. Dr. phil. Martin Dannecker, Berlin; Jan Feddersen, Berlin; Ursula Hauser, Wädenswil (Schweiz); Jochen Hick / Galeria Alaska Productions, Berlin/Hamburg; Dr. Barbara Höll, MdB, Queerpolitische Sprecherin der Bundestagsfraktion DIE LINKE; Just Men Massagen, Berlin; Johann Maria Kamps, Köln; Ruth Kostezer, Wädenswil (Schweiz); Jörg Litwinschuh, Kommunikationsberatung, Berlin; Katrin Lompscher, Senatorin für Gesundheit, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz, Berlin; Annabelle Mandeng, Berlin; Markus-Apotheke, Berlin; Christian Modersbach, Berlin; Piotr Nathan, Berlin; OstGut GmbH, Berlin; André Rostalski, Landesvorsitzender AG Schwusos Berlin; Schneeweiß Alpenküche, Berlin; Tonstudio livelive, Berlin; Verein der Bundestagsfraktion DIE LINKE e. V., Berlin.